This is an alarmingly high number, to me.. In a world where we are collectively entering into a Higher Consciousness level, I would like to point out that ironically MANY people with personality disorders.. They're not "bad people to the core" they are not unintelligent or simple or "new souls"
Get this.. they are often:
- Old wise souls...
- Souls with a VERY big "mission package".. they took on a LOT in one lifetime...
- They are often victims of heavy trauma that they were exposed to during their childhood years..
They are often hijacked on a soul level by their trauma
Which has been the result of certain infiltration by frequencies/beings on this planet that are targeting these people.. BECAUSE they had such a big light, BECAUSE they could mean so much to the world.
This does not "excuse" the abuser/toxic person's behavior in the 3D.. Ever..
But this is the higher insight that will help you put everything in perspective on a soul level.
HOWEVER.. The Universe does not do things on accident. There are reasons for everything that occurs, exists, happens, collectively, and individually in your life.
I know a few people with personality disorders and ALL of them are old souls, but they are literally stuck in a pattern of survival and coping with life.. AND Many of the souls with whom they have contracts (you, the person who has taken on the role of the victim in this lifetime and probably many more) have a soul mission of liberation.. liberating themselves, liberating the collective of lower frequency energies that have been on this planet since Atlantean times and that are ready for Gaia to release.
And it starts with us!... so yes you may not like hearing this but YOU liberating your Self from this person who's inflicted pain and trauma upon you, is actually serving their mission.. And YOU will also liberate your Self by learning how these contracts work, who these people are on a soul level, so that you can release these energies of pain, resentment, anger.. and therefore help shift Gaia out of this energy.
"But you don't know what they did to me, I can never forgive them"
I don't know the specifics but I do know what they did to Me... and I choose the mission.. and the mission is always Love first.
And love starts with the Self.
Love = boundaries and understanding of the higher perspective, love is understanding their soul and setting strict no contact rules in the 3D, and love is NOT enabling and sacrificing Self..
We have our perception of Love all wrong in this world.
If you want to learn how to see these traumatic soul contracts I call them, from a higher perspective, and understand how they're connected to the collective shift that Gaia is going through. And how extraterrestrial lower frequency beings have been involved with influencing high level souls..
Then please join me for a 2 hour Zoom gathering on June 24th.. all info below.
E-mail me back if this interests you…