Read with me..
For the past few days I have been sharing book quotes from the channeled transmission ‘Anna, grandmother of Jesus’ to my instagram and facebook group. My goal? To make the feminine ascended masters of the Rose Lineage more relatable and ‘human’. So that you can see that they too, were just ordinary humans on a spiritual journey, having many of the same insights that you and I are having right now in 2024.
Ascended masters are some of the best guides to call upon when it comes to "being human". They have gone through the entire emotional spectrum of 'humanity' themselves and can be present with us when we are experiencing all of it..
Anna, the grandmother of Jesus, also known as St. Anna in Catholicism, is "the matriarch" of the Essenes. Her story began centuries before Yeshua was born into the Essene community.
She is exceptional to call upon when it comes to assisting you in lifting up your suffering, releasing grief, trauma healing.. Calling upon her feels like calling upon all of the rose petals of a rose bush that is hugging you in its embrace.
Yeshua and his ancestors such as his uncle Noah [aka Merlin Taliesin], grandmother Anna, uncle Joseph of Arimathea, all traveled and were initiated in the way of the druids of Avalon. Because they were in fact family, they were "sibling colonies" if you will, of an even older Atlantis..
There is a reason why the Romans were relentless when it came to conquering Britain. They held the Holy Grail that we are collectively unearthing right now.
In ancient times Anna, the grandmother of Jesus transformed the Essene community and became its matriarch, preparing earth for the coming of the Messiah AND His Feminine counterpart.
Dolores Cannon's book "Jesus & The Essenes" mentions hypnosis transcripts where one of Jesus's mentors came through and mentioned how important balance was between the masculine and feminine. And how the number of people present in ceremony, any ritual, within the community needed to be equally balanced. He was quite surprised to hear that in 'modern times' the feminine had been completely erased from the Christ teachings. Because the Essenes worked closely with the Mother God frequencies and felt that in order to know The Father - one must know The Mother first. This is the way a baby is also raised, it gets familiar with its mother, the earth, the body, before it can become fully familiar with the father, the spirit, the mental space.
Take note: I did not say "women", I said "the feminine" the energy that dwells within all of us, regardless of our biological gender/identity/preference. The Essenes valued a balanced soul & mind that was equally connected to The Mother & The Father.
On the 26th we celebrated Anna, Yeshua's grandmother.
Known as Saint Anna in the Catholic church.
Barely mentioned really in Roman Christianity..
When in reality, she is one of the foundational pillars of gnosticism.
She is the matriarch of the Essene - Rose lineage.
She is a high initiate within the Essene mystery school, And within the Avalonian Druid lineage.
She is the mother of many Masters including Mother Mary, Joseph of Arimathea and Noah later, also known as the Merlin.
Your spiritual initiations are your gateway to enlightenment. I just recorded a very powerful podcast episode with Aly Wilkins and we talked about the "human-ness" of the feminine masters such as Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. She mentioned too, that we often have this idea that the ascended masters lived such enlightened lives, when in reality we are all on a journey of mastery right now, just like they were in their time. They had their initiations - and we have ours.
Anna, the grandmother of Jesus also liked to call this the mental crucifixion & resurrection.
In honor of the 3 most known feminine ascended masters within the Rose Lineage and their days of celebration being:
🌹Mary Magdalene/ "Mariam Magdala" (ܡܪܝܡ ܡܓܕܠܐ)
July 22nd
🌹Grandmother Anna [of Yeshua]/ "Hannah" (ܚܢܐ)
July 26th
🌹Mother Mary/"Mariam" (ܡܪܝܡ)
August 15th
This just opened up and clarified a lot for me. Sending you so much Love. I am grateful our paths have merged ⚡❤🔥