A chapter from my upcoming book...
This chapter will be an authentic transcript of an akashic records reading. The only changes made to the original transcript are grammar errors and here and there changing names and personal details. Other that that I wanted to keep this chapter as unaltered as possible..
What is it about?
This transcript goes all the way back to “the beginning” of creation. It gets into the creation of the (original first) universe, and subsequent universes by seven dragon-like energies. These dragons; “the original 7”, more like energetic beings than physical creatures, exist in a higher layer of reality, slowly creating universes and galaxies, by fireworks-like explosions. The original universe was not intended to expand as much as it did, which I was shown in the akashic records as an unnecessary or over-development of muscles or expanding beyond what was needed, creating tears actually and weaknesses..
I was shown the cosmic cycle that repeats, where universes and galaxies were created by these celestial dragon beings. As the multiverse expanded, difficulties arose, symbolized by the metaphor of muscle expansion that I just mentioned, where tasks became more difficult as the universes expanded.. The contrast increased..
All of this is explained through visuals and geometry. Cosmic spirals, layers of existence, and how these original creator beings create and expand the multiverse in cycles, introducing complexity and challenges along the way.
This is the first time that I was shown an energy that was different from this original energy.. Almost like an infection due to the expansion.. a “cancer” that infected the original universal spiral, leading to contrast between positive and negative energy growing wider over time. This imbalance is reflected in the extremes of both good and bad experiences on Earth.
I then saw in this person’s reading how many of us, including him, find ourselves “on a different set” or with “the wrong script”. This person lived a prominent life in Victorian England and was financially and materially very well off, which is not the case now, now he is very content being out of the public eye in the background.
Things in the Victorian era didn’t go as planned, delaying a supposed easier life and spiritual growth. The universe’s expansion is also compared to a rubber band, where delays (such as positive influx of energy that was meant to already take place in this particular lifetime got delayed) have resulted in an inevitable "snap-back," which could accelerate spiritual growth immensely now in this lifetime. That is why we are experiencing such rapid major shifts.. the rubber band snapped back..
This may be one of the more complicated sessions that I have shared, because we go all the way back to the origin of the multiverse. I felt guided to include illustrations and images of how I was shown these things clairvoyantly alongside the downloads that came through while I was recording..
God created the world in 7 days:
The link between this akashic records reading and the concept of God creating the world in 7 days from biblical tradition can be seen through symbolic parallels rather than literal interpretations:
7 dragons - 7 days
Both in the Bible and in my reading, there is a division of the creative process into distinct phases, where each phase represents a part of the formation of reality. While the dragons in the transcript are creating through energetic expansion and cosmic spirals, the seven days in the Bible each represent a distinct step in the formation of Earth and life (light, water, land, living beings, etc.).
Cosmic order & expansion
In the Bible, God’s creation of the world follows a structured and intentional order, starting from light and darkness and progressing toward life and complexity. Similarly, in the transcript, the seven dragons are beings of Divine intelligence. Creator beings, creating universes, which slowly expand and evolve, introducing complexity and contrast (positive and negative energy, light and darkness). Both processes involve an evolution from simplicity to complexity and an order that unfolds through spirals & different phases.
Cosmic experimentation & purpose
In the reading, I was shown that Earth was not initially part of the plan and came into existence through a cosmic expansion that was not entirely necessary, similar to how humans, in the biblical narrative, are created as the final part of God's creation. Even though things evolved and expanded beyond the original scope (e.g., free will, the Fall in Genesis, or the introduction of contrast and chaos in the akashic records reading).
Cyclic creation & completion
Both the seven-day creation and the celestial dragons’ creation of the multiverse, follow a cyclic structure. In the Bible, creation culminates in a day of rest (the Sabbath), indicating a completion or fulfillment. Similarly, the dragons' cycles of creating universes expand and evolve over time until they are complete, introducing new challenges that ultimately lead to a return to Source or balance.
God technically created the world in six days, with the seventh day being a day of rest, symbolizing reflection and integration. After periods of cosmic creation, a similar pause or stillness might occur to allow what’s been created to settle and expand.
Just as the seventh day in the Bible isn't about action but reflection, the dragons have phases where they stop creating directly and allow the energy they've set in motion to evolve. Rest becomes a necessary part of the cosmic cycle, helping to balance creation with stillness.
In both the biblical creation story, and my akashic records reading, rest is essential for balance and harmony, allowing contrasts to merge and creating space for the next cycle of expansion.
The Origin of the Multiverse: An Akashic Journey
In this transcript I will refer to myself as "me" and the person whose records I was reading as "other person".
me: "Hmm. Okay, so seven dragons that are not really dragons, they're more like clouds of energy. But they're dragons. But, like, in the most non-physical form ever, and they're in this layer, And they are making things. And in the darkness, there's stars.. super slowed-down fireworks that explodes."
"That's what it would look like. And they're putting stuff in there, all these dragons are doing that "fireworks thing". And then that thing becomes basically a big bang, and it becomes a universe and galaxies. And so they're doing that. Super slowly... All throughout that layer, like a bunch of different universes and galaxies...
And it was never supposed to expand that much. It was never supposed to be.. (our) Earth was basically not even supposed to exist, because everything was there already. And, why would you go expand something, if you can experience everything where you are, there was no need. Why would you train a muscle to be very big, when you don't need that much?
It's like okay, my cup of water is here (points to side table next to couch). So, the muscle wouldn't have to expand that much because there is no difficulty level, it's right there. If I have to go to the kitchen, I need to use more muscles. I would need to expand my muscle mass. Does that make sense?
So that's what happened in this universe. All the stuff, like the water cup was there, so it was easy, everything was easy, it was kind of easy but not really because it's all smaller. So the level of difficulty is gonna be experienced as just as difficult as here, because you don't know anything else.
Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
other person: "Continue."
At this point he already knows what I am talking about because he has been seeing these images for years and has not spoken to anyone about it..
me: "Okay, so all that stuff, it's like a spiral, and it's lighting up slowly and it's going around. And once you're there, the spiral needs to get bigger, which means that you have to go outside of this universe. To create. I need to draw. I can still see and open my eyes."
There were seven, but they're little lines on this quick sketch, and they're those 7 energies and they're just filling up and expanding in this layer."
"So they started creating all these things in a spiral..."
"But this is one universe. Then everything was "done" in this universe; they could do no more, expand no more, all the experiences that you can experience were achieved. It's like the balloon was full.
Or like the muscle needs to expand, like I was saying before. So then you need to expand and make more of the same. So all of this is more of the same. The spiral becomes layered.."
"And the contrast was bigger than where they originated from. The water glass wasn't right there anymore. The level of difficulty was bigger because suddenly this water glass is way over there (points to kitchen). Meaning you have to go all the way over there, which means time is going to slow down.
Things are not going to manifest right away because you have to go all the way over there. And because this muscle, basically, you need to train this muscle because you need to go all the way over there now for the stuff that you need, the contrast grew, the distance grew."
"Point A is not as close to point B anymore. And then you need to somehow remember that this is where you come from. (points to bottom of illustration).
So this is the first universe at the bottom. Okay, I'm gonna try to see more... So, you go there, to this new universe, then you all go to another Universe. And because it goes all the way up and around because this is smaller. (Points to the "first universe" which was so much smaller in size than the newer ones that came from the original one.)
The glass is right here (A-----B distance = short at the bottom). Now it's here (pointing to the top layers of the spiral, where the distance is larger between A & B). But it's not just here.
It's here, here, here, here..."
"That 1 "energetic cloud" expands and divides itself as existence expands itself and divides its cells so to speak. So all these points are gonna be basically versions of yourself that are gonna be doing the work for this version (points back to original 7) over here.
So these seven original celestial creator Dragon beings, expanded, evolved, divided themselves, split parts of themselves that they divided over this universe so that it's like the muscle that is expanding, there are more cells developing from the same thing. Because it's necessary. So what happens then basically is yes, there's you there's others, there's a whole lot of people.. And they become your soul family. They all become your soul family.
Hmm, that's the universe (this 2nd layer) where they started creating more variety, because the (energetic) creator being of the dragon is the original form of everything and that's something I've known. That's where they start, because it's another layer so it separates. So there's contrast that's being introduced. So part of you. Needed to become more different, adjust.. part of you, part of everyone basically. There needed to be a bigger counterbalance..
So the human form was introduced but it's not really the way it is now or as we know it. It's still a little bit different. But in that Universe is where that happened for the first time. And they did everything that we did/do here. There's a lot of similarities. Because it's as if nothing else would exist because you're all experiencing that in just this one universe, there were no other universes, yet it's the oldest original universe.
Because this has happened over and over and over."
"And it just keeps on happening basically. And we're just in a repetition of the constant same stuff that we have done."
"It's just because the same cycle always repeats and that's how Source just expands.
So this, you've done a bunch of times, just slightly different each time, and that's why people are feeling that they're tapping into different versions of themselves. They're tapping into different versions but it's more like this. Because it already happened and it's just a constant spiral.
Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
other person: "yes, continue"
We elaborated on some personal soul experiences in that other universe, and then continued with more general knowledge again..
me: "Because you couldn't really do the energy stuff anymore that you were doing in the very first "cloud" universe, dragons that became more physical had wings. The wings are all about still experiencing that you're a piece of source. That's what that manifested as in physical form. Flying is the closest thing you're ever gonna get to feeling "Home."
So that's why the dragons have wings, and why they fly, why angels are depicted with wings etc..
And that's when that split started happening in Consciousness too because it was all part of the expansion. So, and all these little pieces, particles, cells that had come from the original "layer" started choosing a certain polarity in the grand scheme of expansion. But.. there was some something that happened like it was not supposed to be that bad. It's almost like a computer virus, and it "infiltrates" consciousness, it gets infected.
They're using this metaphor of the computer virus, why are you doing this computer stuff? (he is a computer engineer/coder). They're telling me in your language, what it is that took place.
They bring up the muscle metaphor again now.. It's like my shin (I had shin splints off and on in my teenage years and early twenties from doing martial arts and dance and I kept practicing after an injury which did not give my shin the time to properly heal). If I would train my legs or something at a gym or with martial arts, That is good and that serves the greater goal of expansion. Of the muscle of God, whatever. And that's what it was supposed to do. But..
The negatively polarized beings, that's what that was supposed to do. It would but then, by-over training or over-doing something, that it becomes a problem an imbalance. But I keep seeing it's like a cloud but it's like something goes into the cloud and it's not supposed to go in there. And the cloud is dark gray and fog-like and it goes in there, and it kind of infects that universe."
"It's basically like a cancer, it's a cancer. Like how we develop cancer in our bodies. It's an overproduction of certain cells. And that was an overproduction of negatively polarized cells that were "on steroids" almost. So originally, there was supposed to be contrast yes, but it was never supposed to be like, we know it now, not this extreme. But because this infection happened, like if you have a spiral. A spiral goes like this and it gets bigger and bigger. (illustrates with hand movements what happens)."
"And this cancer infected the whole spiral at the very bottom. So that means that now it's just developed into something bigger, because the spiral gets wider and wider which means contrast gets bigger. The distance between positive negative gets bigger."
"That's why we see on this planet, so much contrast, super positive stuff happening and very negative, disgusting stuff happening. That's why. It's all because of this thing, that infected everything at the very beginning. Does any of this make sense?"
other person: "yes, it's what I've seen for years but nobody has ever been able to confirm it, so I thought I was crazy."
We elaborated on some more personal soul experiences and what happened there with a certain other individual who was a reptile looking humanoid, that he had conflict with.
me: "He looks like a reptile type of being but with some kind of military jacket, dark green, it looks like an actual reptile, but walking upright like a man, walking upright but with dinosaur features. He's one of the "generals of the negative".
They got kicked out, eventually, out of that Universe. So when you read and hear all these stories about the reptilians getting kicked out of their universe.. That was it."
"They then traveled on, entered our universe, went to our galaxy where they went to Draco and later Lyra, Because then by the time, of course, that spiral was "done".. For everyone, positively polarized beings and negative. So the cycle began again in a new universe, our version of "the universe", our version of our galaxy. Most of the star-lore comes from this "layer", this universe. The galactic wars, the star systems and star family that visits us still. The beings that we channel."
"And this new universe that was already in its early stages, was beautiful, "the virus" had not yet taken hold like it had in the other ones. Lyra was very beautiful back then because it was like the Golden Age of the Galaxy basically. And then they came... It's like this cancer that traveled on it, traveled on. Just like all of existence, this too spread to the next layer; our universe and our galaxy."
This may all seem very strange reading this, but here comes the good part.. We're gonna get into why ALL of you reading chose to be here now.
"It's a repetition of the same core experiences from the original Universe and this spiral, but Source is like a big rubber band.. now it needs to go the opposite direction again.
I need to draw this.
Okay, so that's this first layer with these seven energies in it."
"And looking at it "from above" that would look like this, you could name it "the original spiral".
"That's the second universe, third, fourth..."
"And basically, you complete the whole thing, and expand again, spiral upwards again, but the "virus" does the same. Now we are here."
(I am repeating it again in the session but it felt right to recap on all of that real quick).
"Say, this is positive (A) - negative (B). Look at the distance now (top spiral), which means wars, conflict, etc. But at the same time, people are having all kinds of amazing, euphoric experiences, people are having spiritual awakenings, people beginning to experience some kind of new golden age, but we also see people dying, genocides, and all these satanic rituals in the entertainment and political industries coming to light, at the same time. That's what we are now experiencing on Earth.
And that contrast also happened here (points back to earlier spirals) but on a way smaller scale, this has expanded so much that it's just become crazy. Plus in layer number two, there's this thing that enters, this cancer kind of virus."
"That's the thing, there was supposed to be contrast, but there was so much of this (points to "virus") in here. That this became way more than was necessary. Which means that now we have a group of negatively polarized beings that is way larger than any other group ever in any universe in "the past". And THIS is why we are ALL here, why so many of the Masters from all the different layers of Being are ALL here in this timeline, incarnated to bring Light and Healing. So now it is up to us; this group that's here on Earth in this point in time/space/reality. We are the "descendants" of this group (points back to the very beginning).
So, all of these beings (the original 7) expanded as the multiverse grew, they divided themselves up like cells of it-self."
But this virus-type energy also expanded and became way more and has infected basically a bunch of souls."
"So these beings (the original 7) kept on splitting and splitting like cells and going through the spirals of experience. Just like we know our Atlantis and Avalon and other important time periods in our Earth history within this galaxy, there have been numerous "Atlantis-es" and Avalons etc in the other parallel universes. So when I talk about the multidimensional spiderweb where you are connected to your other selves in "this layer", your other lifetimes in this universe, your Atlantean Self, your perhaps Medieval Self, etc.. and I am always telling you over and over how all of these timelines are parallel and we can access them now because all it is really is a radio dial that you are attuning to a certain frequency which translates to a certain time period when we flatten it out and see a "past" - "present" - "future". Imagine that now this spiderweb not only is woven all around you like a circle, but it is a spiral.. You are connected to your Atlantean Self, and that experience is then also connected in so many spirals to all of the different versions of that version of you in the multiverse. We have not even begun to scratch the surface of the multiverse-Self.
BUT.. this spiral is starting to experience a tremendous amount of tension.. If Source is a rubber band, this contrast is now putting a huge amount of pressure and tension on this band..
Things are starting to become more difficult, and it's like we are fish that are swimming upstream, we are navigating while we have all of this pressure on us."
I get into personal soul experiences now where he was living in Victorian England, because of all this "tension on the rubber band", completing the soul mission became very difficult. The "virus" was taking a strong hold on existence which made it harder and harder to accomplish the soul mission, and which caused delays, as if you were in fact being held back by a rubber band and unable to get ahead.
His mission was to accomplish everything that he has now set out to do, in that lifetime already. This was his personal experience. But this is what happened for many advanced souls.
It's no coincidence that around that time we knew a massive influx of inventions. The Victorian Age was a period of rapid innovation and industrialization. Many inventions from this era laid the foundation for modern technology. The steam engine for instance, the telegraph which enabled long-distance communication over wires, laying the groundwork for global communications, and a little later the telephone, photography was invented in the late 1800's, the lightbulb, the typewriter, electricity, X-rays, ..you get the point. It was supposed to RAPIDLY accelerate..
"This timeline that we're in right now was supposed to take place 200 years ago. This was all supposed to be solved already. We were already supposed to be in a new cycle. In a new layer. In a new experience. And it was this virus that slowed it down.
But it's basically like a virus. Compare it to having a certain type of bacteria in your body, you have good bacteria, and you have bad ones for your body. And, whichever type are the strongest. They're gonna win basically.
But that's the thing, where it gets interesting. So I'm seeing that this was supposed to happen around 200 years ago..
But it didn't because it got delayed. But what happens with a rubber band that you pull back... it's like they were holding back this rubber band, but because there's so much pressure on it.. that after a while, it just had to be released, you have to let it go, and the longer that you hold it back, a recalibration will happen, or the farther you pull it back, the harder it has to come snapping back to the beginning..
If you pull it with a lot of force, it's gonna pull back. So what does that mean? That now, This looks like this took forever (points at evolution of spirals) this took forever, the evolution of this original first spiral."
Again, when we bypass linear time, we go to frequency, it means things evolved more slowly, a rapid ascension like the one that we are in now means that time speeds up, which means that frequency rapidly increases, which translates to us getting closer again to Source, which basically means the spiral is rapidly "snapping back". Because you cannot pull this rubber band any further. Allow me to illustrate:
"This is like all the way negative all the way positive, we've gone through all these different experiences. And there's like a limit. So because this rubber band has been pulled back super far, think of it like a bow and arrow and you pull the arrow back as far as you can.."
"What inevitably is gonna happen? When 200 years ago we were supposed to be at the point where we are now in consciousness, why aren't we?
Because there were souls that basically kept pulling the rubber band back. And now the tension on the arrow is simply too much and it cannot be held back any longer. And instead of this spiral inverting at the same pace that it evolved at."
This is what it will look like:
So not only are we in an ascension process in our star system or galaxy, this is a universal/multiversal ascension process that has NEVER happened in any time/space/reality, THIS.. is why so many of YOU are here today, on this planet. And why there are so many eyes on us..
I've been receiving messages about an "inversion process" for about 1.5 years now and I am only now, after this akashic records reading understanding what it means. I do not watch any other channelers or intuitives really on the internet, I am sort of isolated from a lot of what is being spread and shared by other intuitives. So This was the first time I have heard about this concept of "multiverse-ascension". I would love to hear if you know of any other psychics that have mentioned this before. I'd love to get familiarized with their online content or published works and theories to "compare notes". ;)
"Time is speeding up, because it is indeed speeding up! Accelerating! It's going to be basically super quick which, which means All the stuff that happened here with these other things. (points at "virus)".
"This negative energy infiltrating and multiplying and "infecting" existence and becoming a very large portion of experience everywhere."
"Everything is getting inverted. So it's unavoidable that the virus also gets inverted.."
"They are dying out and there's nothing they can do about it. They cannot stop the fact that they're dying out. But they are now trying to stay in the "Big" position, because that is how we perceive "them" right now.
So they still have the upper hand it seems like (when we look at the now, but when we look at the cosmic nature of Source we know that their position will not remain that way, and they know it too!)
It's a facade because this is inevitable and they know that. So this is happening. The rubber band shoots back."
This was clearly at the dismay of certain energies that did not want me to access this information because I became aware at this point in the reading of negative astral energies, how? Because I literally was surrounded by a dragon wall of growling guards who were clearly shielding me from something. So it was only after I noticed "my guards" circling me, that I sensed the "intruder energy". That was clearly trying to intimidate me and prevent me from diving deeper into this or even publishing this for you right now. This is how the conversation continued:
"Okay, I'm hearing a bunch of dragons growling. And I'm seeing them, they're wrapping around me. There's certain entities not happy with the fact that I'm doing this reading now. I'm saying stuff that apparently, they don't want me to say, But this is the direct result of basically the other stuff happening real fast. They know that they can not stop this transmission."
Then my golden dragon guide came in and some energetic re-aligning took place and the entities effortlessly left the space.
"So we are now right under that layer."
"Where we are supposed to go from here (points to right under "barrier"), to here (points to above barrier)":
"And that's why it can feel like you're going crazy and you're full of contrast because you feel, you keep hearing abundance, you keep hearing everything is taken care of but you don't see it as clearly represented yet often in the external reality yet as the inner reality and the feeling that you are in alignment with. We are literally right under the barrier and we can feel it. Us intuitives can feel that we are right there!
It's right there and we aren't seeing it with our 3D eyes because we keep looking in this layer (the under-barrier one). We keep looking here but it's actually here (above-barrier). Which means: that we cannot be distracted by the stuff we see in this dimension/layer. And the things that we see are not necessarily what's ahead."
In this particular lifetime from 200 years ago, he was a very wealthy person, played an important public role and the stage was basically set to effortlessly carry out the originally planned lifetime. In this lifetime the circumstances are very different with many more obstacles to carry out the mission than 200 years ago - but again.. only when looking at "this layer". We are merging realities and layers and that makes it more difficult, we Feel the mission, we Know the mission.. But..
"It's like there are pieces of decor missing, all the things that were set in place specifically for your mission last time around,are now "not here". You were supposed to be wealthy, you were supposed to be abundant, you were supposed to have all the good stuff. That "virus" made everything develop way slower so it didn't happen that way in this lifetime, it's like it "infected" certain aspects of the timeline. It caused "delays". So now here you are doing it over again, the stuff you had set out to accomplish 200 years ago.
It's like there was a bug, it's like a bug. You are supposed to have money in this lifetime, you are supposed to have the wealth. You are supposed to have all the stuff.
It's almost like they wrote a screenplay for you and you enter the stage and it's like a whole different movie. Does it make sense? And the only thing that you recognize are the people around you, the people from that lifetime that were "your mission friends", the ones who were gonna do the good stuff with you. They came back too, but because of all this stuff, some of them were super confused. And they're like, it's too difficult. We can't deal with this. So, on top of this, decor and background/environment being different, like expecting to walk up to a set of a jungle scene and you're in the desert, many of the soul family has become discouraged and has forgotten about the mission. However, because of this bow-and-arrow situation that we are cosmically in, we are all going to go through a mass awakening, but how we all handle it is all up to us individually..
It's like they forgot their lines in the musical or theater or something, or like a play, some people just forgot their lines. And they're standing there and f*cking it up and you're like "This is the big night and you're screwing it up." This is why many of us can feel alone and confused on this spiritual awakening journey."
I then went to a Pleiadian version of him that was involved in the galactic war.
"This virus was supposed to be done dealt with then. That was the entire point of the True Galactic Federation."
I purposely do not talk much about the GF because there is much confusion and many different stories that exist about the Galactic Federation, however, I have seen many of my akashic records clients connected with the actual federation which worked purely with God-Consciousness and recognizing the Self as connected to Source directly. They passed on the original teachings of "the multiverse".
Many newly awakened people get drawn to exciting starseed stories and unintentionally get caught up in idolatry of specific "starbeings" that have their own little fanclub online. (not naming any specific, when you know, you know) that are in fact negatively polarized. They do this on purpose to create confusion and again.. slow down the process even more). I one 100% believe there is/was a galactic federation that had only one goal in mind, and that was to help humanity in the entire galaxy during the time of the Lyran/Orion wars, but I also one 100% believe that there are other entities out there that are claiming the title but have very little to do with the actual federation.
"So, this is where we are right now. This barrier-jump is what why we are all here. Like yay, we're gonna be doing this. We are here.
Let's go back for a minute to the original 7. They originated from Source. But like a prism, they had different colors, "different frequencies" of a rainbow. The seven together, created One Whole. Like a rainbow that expands into different colors, when "collapsed" it all blends together. Like a prism, a crystal, and you shine a light on it and suddenly each side has a different color.
And it's like Source is the One Light. Let's look at a color wheel."
My background as a painter and years of color studies, working with music and instruments and understanding how frequency translates into sound and color and shapes helps me here!
"The process of this prism of these "7 originals", is like a prism of colors, you have your primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors.":
"Creation is like a color spectrum. (grabs phone and looks up color wheel to show) Let's pretend there are seven original "first" colors. And complementary colors are the exact opposites of each other: purple and yellow are exact opposites. But when combined, they become black, Yellow and orange does not become black but the two exact opposites in this chart together become "Source", blue and orange becomes Source, green and red become source."
This is where the "Twin Flame" theory comes from but the proper word would rather be "Divine Counterpart". I have a slightly different opinion than what is commonly taught on the topic, due to living it, and coming to this realization.
"If a person is one of these seven, for instance blue. Then their divine counterpart would be the orange one and together, the perfect yin yang. Then there's also green and red, etc. All of these colors collapsed again form the 1 source of light, unfolding them into a color wheel, like our universes expanding and expanding... we get this:
"So let's say, if person x is the color blue and person y is orange, they would always find each other because together, they get closer to Source because combined they are that frequency of Source.
So together in our highest form, we are essentially the same being."
Backtracking a little bit to the "missing decor pieces" on the set, many of us find that they are lacking wealth, and they FEEL spiritually important and wealthy, yet they are here making it from paycheck to paycheck or not even that..
"Yes, some pieces on the set may be different. But the inevitable is gonna happen and that's a good thing. You can't see it but you know that it's coming. And it's going to be good because you're going exactly where you're supposed to go.
A recalibration is happening. And "the cancer" is being eradicated. And then all the pieces on the set will little by little fall back into place."
My opinion and intuitive feelings around this reading:
When I read the akashic records I am a neutral vessel for the information. None of the above is necessarily what I (would like) to believe, it is simply what I receive from Mother/Father God.
I believe we were gifted this information to help us better understand what we are going through. It became clear to both myself and the person whose records I was reading that he had received this information years prior, but this was the confirmation he needed to accept that he was 'not crazy.' I confirmed things for him that I had no prior knowledge of, nor had I ever seen or heard this information from other sources or channelers.
I believe we are being shown that this is it.. we are ready for massive ascension and it cannot be stopped.. There are so many incarnated masters and spiritual royalty on the planet incarnated right now, and they are all here for this big event.
If this transcript made you feel anxious in any way or fearful, I am asking you to release your fear into the light of Mother/Father God because you are always Home, no matter where you find yourself in time/space/reality in the multiverse. We are simply expanding, experimenting, Be-ing.. on a Soul level and we are simply God experimenting with itself.. just like the initial first 7 clouds “playing” with the energy..
And we may find ourselves in chaos right now, but we are indeed also in times of amazing spiritual re-awakening and remembrance.
And you can read all this, and then I advise you to release it and just let it integrate.. We are HERE on Earth, and one of the most spiritual things that you can do right now is to be fully present with your Earth-Self, and appreciate the time that you have here, appreciate this planet, appreciate the beauty.
This was a Live in person reading, I have done in person readings for people if they are close in location or willing to travel. Most of my readings however happen over distance. Check out this link to learn more!
I will be hosting a webinar in the future where I dive into this article and answer questions and elaborate more on how we can work with this information in connection to the dragons. Let me know if you’d like to be a part of that!
Hi - I read this a few weeks ago - The same night I dreamt I was attacked by dark beings over and over, and in my dream, I just keept repeting Christ light to come in. Then the nightmare ends, because I woke up