Multiverse mechanics - the web of time.
Why is it that sometimes things do not end up like the psychic readings say?
Because everything is in fact multi layered and not linear..
You know that I often talk about time not being linear and how we always have multiple timelines open to tap into, multiple soul experiences, a soul-spider web if you will. We can tap into a bunch of simultaneous lifetimes all at once and it looks a little bit like this:
What is I told you that there is not 1 universe but there are many universes. You can read more about that here:
So you may also have lived in “many” versions or Atlantis, many versions of Lemuria, many versions of the middle ages..
Each universe expands until it has reached completion and then it starts all over again.
So why is it that sometimes things “go differently” than what the psychic predicts? Because we are sometimes only tapping into specific things that we are not meant to see yet.
You are tuning into certain experiences of your soul, or rather the psychic is. That are in that moment in time/space/reality an alignment for a specific energy that is ready to be unlocked. And often we will be shown the connections in the spiderweb. Usually the soul experiences and incarnations that are going to start coming back to us first are the ones that are closest to us in the multidimensional web of the soul. And often once those threads are all connected again there will be other connections that all of a sudden will start coming to life.
And then you see that these lifetimes are not only connected in “flat web”. You will see that this web goes up, and down, and is very elaborate.. reaching into other universes where other versions also exist of you in many of the incarnations that you have lives in this “current web”. And because time doesn’t really exist we can access all of it at the same time.
But what does this mean? This means that you may receive information from your soul about an Atlantean lifetime, and a year later you receive a whole other “version” of the story. Why is that.. because all of these different parallel experiences are actually happening all simultaneously. They are literally all being played out somewhere in the multiverse.
“That’s a good way talk your way out of being wrong” as a psychic… is what you may think.
The truth is that it really is not all black and white, it really is not linear, there is no 1 answer, and God is constantly recalculating like an endless GPS full of possibilities and the more that you align yourself with God and their divine will. The faster that you will start to quantum leap and literally jump from 1 web to another web in this “tower of webs” rather than skipping from one thread to the next in the flat 2D web that is this universe.
And because we are truly collapsing timelines right now and on an accelerated ascension path (as you could read in the other article that I linked earlier) we are able to collapse timelines and quantum leap way faster than ever before. So we are also shifting through changes in our lives way quicker.
So why is it that sometimes timelines shift quickly? Because we are looking at time in the now-moment and when a reader senses your field they do it based on what is being presented to them in the now-moment of your reading. And they can see potentials based on what you are able to access frequency wise. So this is what they will read for you.
If you suddenly quantum leap and 1 week later you are already where they saw you being in 3 months.. that may change the whole story and it may create accelerations in your journey which opens up doors for you and basically pushes you through a portal to higher realities and suddenly you have quantum leaped.. And there you are..
And that is where the dragons come in (again, I always talk about them). We are seeing more and more dragon energy in the world. You see it in the media, but also in the spiritual community, the dragons are a beam of light connecting all realms/dimensions/existence. They can come in and transmute a big amount of energy all at once. And because we have been experiencing this “quickening”, and what I mean by that is a spiritual acceleration, where one's perception of life and reality is heightened, leading to a greater sense of purpose, awareness, and connection with the divine or cosmic order. Having more access to higher frequency information that is encoded in this big web that expands in all directions. Which is why the dragons have been presenting themselves more and more to people, as they are our “beginning” the cosmic dragon egg of creation. We are becoming more and more aware of them - as our awareness of the multi-layered web grows simultaneously. They are the frequency that connects all realities.
And this is exactly why I work with them in offering people information.
Inviting the dragons into your life is opening a quantum dance between timelines with them at your side.
We don’t just have 1 “life path” laid out in front of us, we are in a web of constant recalculations and in reality we have many layers that we can choose to travel on. We have a road and we have a higher road and a lower road and about a million in between roads. The more that you align your Free will with Divine Will the more that you will automatically be on the highest road. And like I mentioned before, you’ll be quantum leaping a lot of you go through a lot of accelerations in a short amount of time. Which would be the equivalent of taking a lot of sharp turns at a very very fast pace, that are a “short cut” basically to your highest timeline.
The dragons will come in when life gets intense! Because the path to your highest timeline is rarely ever one that is easy or smooth. But even IN the chaos you will feel the effortlessness of it all. And how easy it is to follow the GPS when you have set it to “fastest high vibe route”.. Even when the road is full of obstacles, somehow you will navigate them all in an effortless way.
We live on a free-will planet which means that essentially if we decide to do something that seems more interesting at the time of incarnation, something that we did not anticipate, or simply because this IS a free-will planet and part of the "game" is that this is just what can happen.. we can simply decide to "do something else" than our “pre-determined” soul mission (aka highest timeline in the cosmic GPS). So we are constantly shifting timelines.
About a year ago I wrote an article that you might call the introduction to this article:
Together with the dragons we can look at your akashic records, timelines and more.
for more information.
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